Name | Major/Minor | Equiti’s Abbreviation | Type | Typical Spread (as a decimal) | Fixed Margin | Fixed Leverage | Contract size (1 lot) | PL of 1 lot |
Brent Crude Oil | Major | UKOILRoll | Rolling | 0.028 | 1% | 1:100 | 1000 Barrels | 10 USD per 0.01 move |
Gold Vs Euro | Major | XAUEUR | Rolling | 0.42 | 2.00% | 1:50 | 100 troy oz | 100 EUR per 1.0 move |
Gold Vs Lira | Exotic | XAUTRY | Rolling | 16.53 | 2.00% | 1:50 | 100 troy oz | 100 TRY per 1.0 move |
Gold Vs US Dollar | Major | XAUUSD | Rolling | 0.28 | 0.20% | 1:500 | 100 troy oz | 100 USD per 1.0 move |
Platinum | Minor | XPTUSD | Rolling | 2.81 | 2.00% | 1:50 | 100 troy oz | 1 USD PER 0.01 move |
Silver Vs Euro | Major | XAGEUR | Rolling | 0.031 | 2% | 1:50 | 5000 troy oz | 50 EUR per 0.01 move |
Silver Vs US Dollar | Major | XAGUSD | Rolling | 0.027 | 2% | 1:50 | 5000 troy oz | 50 USD per 0.01 move |
WTI Crude Oil | Major | USOILRoll | Rolling | 0.028 | 1% | 1:100 | 1000 Barrels | 10 USD per 0.01 move |
Liquidity and spreads can change due to market conditions. The information in this table is correct at the time of publication, we reserve the right to change its contents at any time. For up to date information please refer to the trading platform or call the support desk.
* The information above applies to our Executive accounts only.
Name | Major/Minor | Equiti’s Abbreviation | Type | Typical Spread (as a decimal) | Margin | Fixed Leverage | Contract size (1 lot) | PL of 1 lot |
Brent Crude Oil | Major | UKOILxx | Future | 0.022 | 1% | 1:100 | 1000 Barrels | 10 USD per 0.01 move |
Coffee | Minor | COFFEExx | Future | 0.56 | 1% | 1:100 | 100 lbs | 1 USD per 0.01 move |
Cotton | Minor | COTTONxx | Future | 0.33 | 1% | 1:100 | 100 lbs | 1 USD per 0.01 move |
Gold | Major | GCxx | Future | 0.4 | 0.50% | 1:200 | 100 troy oz | 100 USD per 1.0 move |
High Grade Copper | Minor | HGxx | Future | 0.004 | 1% | 1:100 | 100 lbs | 1 USD per 0.01 move |
Natural Gas | Minor | NGxx | Future | 0.15 | 1% | 1:100 | 100 Million BTUs | 1 USD per 0.01 move |
Silver | Major | SIxx | Future | 0.025 | 2% | 1:50 | 5000 troy oz | 50 USD per 0.01 move |
US Cocoa | Minor | USCOCOAxx | Future | 13 | 1% | 1:100 | 1 Metric Tonne | 1 USD per 1 move |
WTI Crude Oil | Major | USOILxx | Future | 0.022 | 1% | 1:100 | 1000 Barrels | 10 USD per 0.01 move |
Where “xx” refers to the expiry month and year.
First letter is the expiry month:
F Jan, G Feb, H Mar, J Apr, K May, M Jun, N Jul, Q Aug, U Sep, V Oct, X Nov, Z Dec
Second letter is the year:
e.g. Dec-2019 is “Z9”
Please refer to our Futures Expiry Dates page for details on the expiring contracts
Liquidity and spreads can change due to market conditions. The information in this table is correct at the time of publication, we reserve the right to change its contents at any time. For up to date information please refer to the trading platform or call the support desk.